Friday, October 13, 2006

Union stuff

OK...well, I haven't put much union stuff on until now, but I can't resist. I want to try to provide a link to my union's podcast and to a Working Families YouTube video. Just an experiment.

Working Families
News and Views (Don't hold my poor interviewer/interviewee skills against me!)

Monday, October 09, 2006


I promised that I would post pictures today, but I've lost the USB cord (or whatever it's called) for my camera. Rats!

Guinea pigs, actually. I had hoped to document the guinea pig babies. We got suckered into getting the kids guinea pigs--two so that one wouldn't be lonely. Well, it didn't occur to us that it would be a bad idea to buy two females that had been in the same cage with a male until we had already bought them and the kids had fallen in love with them. So now we have SIX! The babies are pretty cute, and the kids are having a blast with them.

Photos to follow...maybe in December!